Saturday, May 17, 2008 Edit This 1 Comment »

(sooo many pics of my friends,ta larat na upload sume =s)

When everything is wrong I'll come talk to you
You make things alright when I'm feeling blue

You are such a blessing and I wont be messing 
with the one thing that brings light to all of my darkness

There is no other one that can take your place
I feel happy inside when I see your face
I hope you believe me
Because I speak sincerely
and I mean it when I tell you I need you

I'm here right beside you
I will never leave you
and I feel the pain you feel when you start crying

You are my best friend
and I love you, and I love you
Yes I do

Yes I doooooooooo!

Here's a clip for u guys to enjoy,bout friend

I want to thanks badly to all my friends for being soooooo good,soooo caring,sooooooo "all the mahmudah sifat" hehe 

Selepas byk yg berlaku dlm hidup aku,aku dpt merasai kasey syg kawan² aku,time aku sedih gile,time aku gumbira gile,time aku lost gile etc

Xspecially,for my last birthday  big thanks for all wishes,makan² KFC kat nice,nyanyi time usrah n surprise party kat Univ,Thanks alot !!!!!! 

mwwah! syg KAMU!
p/s: aku ade 3 tudung baru,yihhha! thanks slim n manon,cé trop bô la voile! =p

1 wanna take a break:

kiki said...

sapa lukis bendera selangor kat blkang tu? racist!..haha