
Friday, December 05, 2008 Edit This 6 Comments »

Yesterday was so funny in my "milieux sédimentaire" class, (sedimentary),when my prof tried to pronounce "beach rock",he accidently (or that's how he pronounces it bcos u-know-why) pronounced it as "bitch rock".I was like ,what the hell is he thinking?,i was laughing like BIG HAHAHAH,n when i looked around,i was the only one laughing!! those my classmates didnt even think it was funny.... poor me =s

P/s: what the different between discrimination and racist?
Racist is like when u go to cinema,only white ppl can enter first? like this?
discrimination is like only good looking girl will get that job? is it?
then what is this,u r the only "alien" in ur class,the teacher gives full+extra attentions to his/her "human" students ,even help them when they dont even need it,but when u call him/her 3 times,he/she doesnt even turn around and sometime doesnt even correct u when u obviously do the mistake (or u do it on porpose).......then what u call this?

je vous emmerde!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008 Edit This 0 Comments »
j.e V.O.U.S e.m.m.e.r.d.e!

It's a mistery to me
we have a greed
with which we have agreed

You think you have to want
more than you need
until you have it all you won't be free

society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me

When you want more than you have
you think you need
and when you think more than you want
your thoughts begin to bleed

I think I need to find a bigger place
'cos when you have more than you think
you need more space

there's those thinking more or less less is more
but if less is more how you're keeping score?
Means for every point you make
your level drops
kinda like its starting from the top
you can't do that...

society, have mercy on me
I hope you're not angry if I disagree


Monday, November 24, 2008 Edit This 3 Comments »
" i have appointment on 17th mars 2009! at 1715h,5 months to go *sigh*"
"well that's normal,we r in FRANCE!!"

la recette de apam yumm yumm param param

Sunday, November 02, 2008 Edit This 5 Comments »
envie d'un apam?

yumm yumm param param apam is a very yummy petit gateau made by miss ynf =p
Voila la recette,selamat mencuba semua!


white rice flour - u can get it at any marché exotique,blv me! hehe

tap water

colorant,i used green and yellow,u know why? bcos i only hav these color lah!

just put the whole 400grams of white rice in a bekas,then the sugar,rasa² da manis tuh,ok la,after that,pour the water,until it looks like herm milk shake mcD,maybe? hahaha i really dont know how to describe xtually.add 3 drops of ur colouring,n kukus in ur pengukus evinox"cuisine the future" (u wanna know the price of this pengukus? go check it urself! huahuah seb baik la tuan rumah aku yg sediakan).and VOILA!

and pictures of last few weeks =)

we won! we won! yeay!
A 380 =p
une grosse vague de biarritz aves les rennais , l'angoulemien ( ça se dit ça? sorry hafiz =) ) et amir,le palois bien sur
oh yeay,she loves dustbin!

cuti cuti cuti

Sunday, October 26, 2008 Edit This 2 Comments »
cuti datang lagi,mari kita imbas event yg berlaku sblom ini...
soirée anniv
yeay,it's sabrina!

bfore rugby game
pakcik garam -sortie hydrology
mr doudou!
sortie pic midi d'ossau-tectonique globale


Tuesday, October 07, 2008 Edit This 3 Comments »

thanks to pak widi,ibu miah,manon,marie,marine,flo,ade,wilfried,bilal,mai san,simon,jean pierre,dephine,adrian,romain,christine,ad,thanks kemeriahan dan keseronokan =p and special appearance KAK D.A.Y.A.H!! thanks kerna byk membantu =p heheh tahniah pakcik² tuan rumah sofwan,raffiq,anuar,amir dan saye yananorfariza yahya=)

salam aidilfitri! ( first day raya! 1 oct 2008)

Monday, October 06, 2008 Edit This 5 Comments »

P/s: pics of 4th October (the big "open house" hehe) will be coming out soon =)

before raya (puasa etc)

Monday, October 06, 2008 Edit This 3 Comments »


formation du pétrole

Sunday, September 28, 2008 Edit This 3 Comments »
Bon aujourd'hui,je V vous parler en français... C'est un peu difficile,mais bon,on essaie quand même =) Comme vous savez bien,j'suis etudiante de la geologie et dans 2 ans,inchAllah je poursuivrai mes etudes en etudes du pétrole (c'est un peu banal non? =s) J'suis un peu curieuse,est-ce qu'il y a dans le quran,Allah dit sur ce sujet (formation du pétrole),on sait que Allah parle beaucoup sur le univers,la montagne,le ciel etc etc (suhbhanallah).

voilou ce que j'ai trouvé :

Au nom d’Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux
Glorifie le nom de ton Seigneur, le Très Haut, (1) Celui Qui a créé et agencé harmonieusement, (2) qui a décrété et guidé, (3) et qui a fait pousser le pâturage, (4) et en a fait ensuite un foin sombre. (5)

Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani
Bertasbihlah mensucikan nama Tuhanmu Yang Maha Tinggi (dari segala sifat-sifat kekurangan). (1) Yang telah menciptakan (sekalian makhlukNya) serta menyempurnakan kejadiannya dengan kelengkapan yang sesuai dengan keadaannya. (2) Dan Yang telah mengatur (keadaan makhluk-makhlukNya) serta memberikan hidayat petunjuk (ke jalan keselamatannya dan kesempurnaannya). (3) Dan Yang telah mengeluarkan tumbuh-tumbuhan untuk binatang-binatang ternak. (4) Kemudian Dia menjadikan (tumbuh-tumbuhan yang menghijau) itu kering (berubah warnanya) kehitam-hitaman. (5)
et aussi ....

Tuhan yang telah menjadikan api (boleh didapati) dari pohon-pohon yang hijau basah untuk kegunaan kamu, maka kamu pun selalu menyalakan api dari pohon-pohon itu. (80)

c’est Lui qui, de l’arbre vert, a fait pour vous du feu, et voilà que de cela vous allumez. (80)
courtesy www.quranexplorer.com

Les trois éléments identifiés dans les quatre premiers versets de la sourate al-A'la font le parallèle avec la formation du pétrole. Il est probable que le terme mar'aa signifiant "pâturage ou prairie", se réfère aux substances organiques à partir desquelles se forme le pétrole. Le second terme notable dans le verset est ahwa, utilisé pour décrire une couleur noirâtre qui tend vers le vert, un vert foncé, des couleurs sombres et charbonneuses. On peut aussi penser que ce mot sert à décrire la matière issue de la dégradation des plantes, qui s'accumule dans le sol et qui vire progressivement au noir, étant donné que ces mots sont appuyés par un troisième mot, ghouthaa, traduit par le mot foin, et qui équivaudrait à "humus, assemblage de déchets de différentes plantes amassés et dispersés dans les vallées, détritus, feuilles ou écume". En plus de la connotation de "vomir" que véhicule ce mot, il peut également évoquer l'idée de "répandre de la matière vomie", et décrit la façon dont la Terre "vomit" du pétrole. En fait à la lumière des connaissances que nous avons au sujet de la formation du pétrole, la façon dont il émerge, son apparence mousseuse et sa couleur, on peut mieux comprendre la sagesse que renferme l'emploi de ces mots dans ces versets.

p/s: le pétrole se forme à partir de la décomposition de plantes et d'animaux. Une fois que ces derniers se dégradent au fond de la mer durant des millions d'années, tout ce qu'il en reste ce sont des substances huileuses. Celles-ci, enfouies sous des épaisseurs de boue et de roche, se transforment en pétrole et en gaz. Les mouvements de l'écorce terrestre aboutissent quelques fois à la pétrification de la mer et à l'enfouissement des roches pétrolifères sous plusieurs milliers de mètres de profondeur. Le pétrole qui se forme quelques fois fuit à travers les pores des couches de roches situées à plusieurs kilomètres de profondeur, et monte à la surface où il s'évapore (sous forme de gaz), laissant derrière lui une masse de bitume.

Allah akbar! c'est un epreuve que le coran est la parole de dieu

blue bubble gums

Saturday, September 27, 2008 Edit This 0 Comments »
Mr D said "hey did u know,France is awful!"
I said " excuse me!? and why is that?"
Mr D replied " Because u put everything in a dustbin! I'm not so sure,but I guess Eu imposed a fine bcos of this problem".......

I was shocked to hear that,not bcos France is awful,but bcos Malaysia is worse!
Is it so hard to recycle? Is it so hard to separate ur bin? put paper in ur yellow bag and glass in green bag and the rest in ur black plastic. It's so simple!

Oh how it hurts to hear some1 said
  1. "we dont recycle,sorry" (selfish!!!!!!)
  2. "If we dont recycle,doesnt mean world will explose tomorrow" ( so u r going to wait the world explose then? )
  3. "it's wasting time ok!it's very complicated! (i guess complex number is much more complex! haha)
  4. "we dont know how" (cant u google? duh!)
  5. "Malaysia ta guna sistem mcm kat France la yana" (abes tu,ta bleyh start ke?)
  6. "Relax ! it can decay" (i know that,but it takes time n space,u want to live on tree? ooops we no longer hav trees,we used it for papers"
  7. "who's care?" ( i care!)
etc etc etc too many unacceptable reasons!

Imagine every1 think like above,I dont think in 20 years,we still can have a fresh air to breath nor enough meterials to produce plastics nor to drink Coke in can.
Could we stand together to make this world better? start with small thing,RECYCLE! .
I dont have courage to stand up in front of people to force them to take care of our nature,but i know i can recycle =)

Did u know? For example, making new aluminium cans from recycled cans uses 20 times less energy than making cans from the raw material.so we less need to dig up or mine new raw materials, which often damages the surrounding environment.

I dont think i need to emphasize here why YOU should recycle.So let's take ur yellow bag (France) n fill with all ur unuse papers! easy right?

Save earth = save ur self,ur generation! =)


miss tree hugger =)


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 Edit This 9 Comments »
I dont know if i ever mentioned before that i went to Chez Marie.Sleepover there for about 4 nights.It was awesome! we went shopping together,then her mother took us to Andorra! Andorra is a small country.I felt like in a fairy tale.U know why? It's situated up in the hill! I cant b relax in the car! the zig zag ways makes me sick! so i decided to sleep before we started to climb the hill.The scenary is cool! very green! when i woke up,we already arrived there! u wont expect that there exist a country there! It fulls with supermarket,shops,restaurants etc.but the other part is the old town (lame europe hehe).As usual,all the money flowed like u drink cold coke when masuk waktu berbuka hehhe It's darn cheap there (compare to France )! Then we went to Eaux chaudes,i think the name describes the place well.There is a water source (NaS) which is very very hot 70°C! even the temperature was 37°C.There is a pool ( c'est pa tt à fait pool lol) where u can mandi² if u want.We put our legs in .It was hot at first but it feels relaxxxxxx.

First day there,Marie took me to Foix where we had a shooting (tournage) a film (HARRY POTTER à l'ecole de sorciere wuhuu!).It was tired!.That night they just shot a 3 minutes of the fim,,but it took about 3 hours to do it! Basically,they start to shot in 2004 n they just finished last august.We will wait the premier of the film this Christmas.yeay! I just wanna show u the bande annonce (trailer) hehe,any1 can mark me?


Thursday, September 04, 2008 Edit This 4 Comments »
"on hasarde de perdre en voulant trop gagner"

4 sept 2009
inscription - done! 

I'm officially a sophomore of university of pau and pays l'adour!
Hope 2008/2009 will bring lot of luck,happiness and smile,InchAllah =)
4 more days to pening-pening kepala! I wish summer is forever....


only 50% of SDT's students left for the new semester

hepatitis-symptom and prevention

Tuesday, September 02, 2008 Edit This 2 Comments »

Signs and Symptoms

Hepatitis, in its early stages, may cause flu-like symptoms, including:

  • malaise (a general ill feeling)
  • fever
  • muscle aches
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes)

But some people with hepatitis may have no symptoms at all and may not even know they're infected. Children with hepatitis A, for example, usually have mild symptoms or have no symptoms.

If hepatitis progresses, its symptoms begin to point to the liver as the source of illness. Chemicals normally secreted by the liver begin to build up in the blood, which causes:

  • jaundice
  • foul breath
  • a bitter taste in the mouth
  • dark or "tea-colored" urine
  • white, light, or "clay-colored" stools

There can also be abdominal pain, which may be centered below the right ribs (over a tender, swollen liver) or below the left ribs (over a tender spleen).


In general, to prevent viral hepatitis you should:

  • Follow good hygiene and avoid crowded, unhealthy living conditions.
  • Take extra care, particularly when drinking and swimming, if you travel to areas of the world where sanitation is poor and water quality is uncertain.
  • Never eat shellfish from waters contaminated by sewage.
  • Remind everyone in your family to wash their hands thoroughly after using the toilet and before eating.
  • Use antiseptic cleansers to clean any toilet, sink, potty-chair, or bedpan used by someone in the family who develops hepatitis.

Because contaminated needles and syringes are a major source of hepatitis infection, it's a good idea to encourage drug awareness programs in your community and schools. At home, speak to your child frankly and frequently about the dangers of drug use. It's also important to encourage abstinence and safe sex for teens, in order to eliminate their risk of hepatitis infection through sexual contact.

A hepatitis A vaccine is available, and is especially recommended for those who:

  • travel abroad
  • have other forms of liver disease
  • have many sexual partners
  • are in high-risk occupations, such as health-care and child-care personnel

If you're planning to travel abroad, consult your doctor in advance so you and your family have enough time to complete the required immunizations. The vaccine is especially useful for staff of child-care facilities or schools where they may be at risk of exposure.

There's also a hepatitis B vaccine, which should be given to both children and adults as part of routine immunization.

Unfortunately, there's no vaccine for hepatitis C — animal studies indicate that it may not be possible because the virus doesn't cause the kind of response that would be needed for a vaccine to be successful.

Why i write this? just wanna ppl be aware with these viruses,it attacked 2 most beloved ppl in my life,hopefully it will give u some information how to prevent and deal with it =)


Tuesday, September 02, 2008 Edit This 5 Comments »

The word hepatitis simply means an inflammation of the liver without pinpointing a specific cause. Someone with hepatitis may:

  • have one of several disorders, including viral or bacterial infection of the liver
  • have a liver injury caused by a toxin (poison)
  • have liver damage caused by interruption of the organ's normal blood supply
  • be experiencing an attack by his or her own immune system through an autoimmune disorder
  • have experienced trauma to the abdomen in the area of the liver
In some rare cases, the Epstein Barr Virus (which causesmononucleosis) can also result in hepatitis because it can cause inflammation of the liver. Other viruses and bacteria that also can cause hepatitis include hepatitis D and E, varicella (chickenpox), and cytomegalovirus (CMV).

Hepatitis A
In children, the most common form of hepatitis is hepatitis A (also called infectious hepatitis). This form is caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV), which lives in the stools (feces or poop) of infected individuals. Infected stool can be present in small amounts in food and on objects (from doorknobs to diapers).

The hepatitis A virus is spread:

  • when someone ingests anything that's contaminated with HAV-infected stool (this makes it easy for the virus to spread in overcrowded, unsanitary living conditions)
  • in water, milk, and foods, especially in shellfish

Because hepatitis A can be a mild infection, particularly in children, it's possible for some people to be unaware that they have had the illness. In fact, although medical tests show that about 40% of urban Americans have had hepatitis A, only about 5% recall being sick. Although the hepatitis A virus can cause prolonged illness up to 6 months, it typically only causes short-lived illnesses and it does not cause chronic liver disease.

Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B (also called serum hepatitis) is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV can cause a wide spectrum of symptoms ranging from general malaise to chronic liver disease that can lead to liver cancer.

The hepatitis B virus spreads through:

  • infected body fluids, such as blood, saliva, semen, vaginal fluids, tears, and urine
  • a contaminated blood transfusion (uncommon in the United States)
  • shared contaminated needles or syringes for injecting drugs
  • sexual activity with an HBV-infected person
  • transmission from HBV-infected mothers to their newborn babies

Hepatitis C
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is spread by direct contact with an infected person's blood. The symptoms of the hepatitis C virus can be very similar to those of the hepatitis A and B viruses. However, infection with the hepatitis C virus can lead to chronic liver disease and is the leading reason for liver transplant.

The hepatitis C virus can be spread by:

  • sharing drug needles
  • getting a tattoo or body piercing with unsterilized tools
  • blood transfusions (especially ones that occurred before 1992; blood supply has been routinely screened for the disease)
  • transmission from mother to newborn
  • sexual contact (although this is less common)

Hepatitis C is also a common threat in kidney dialysis centers. Rarely, people living with an infected person can contract the disease by sharing items that might contain that person's blood, such as razors or toothbrushes.

beg 5kg dan beg 8kg part 1

Friday, August 29, 2008 Edit This 0 Comments »


31/07 till 3/08

We took the taxi to the Pau's airport.Siapa sangka airport kat pau ni cantik =p.Our flight delayed 3 jam,rasenye da kenal setiap penumpang kat situ hehe.First time naik Transavia,kitorg pegi pon tanpa membawa sebarang bekalan bahasa,good bye dlm dutch pon ta taw hehe

Bref,to my surprise,our hostel is located in red light district! it's a christian hostel though (separate boys n girls) .Dont worry ladies and gentlemen,we didnt do "anything".I like this hostel,free breakfast,clean toilet,friendly staffs etc. The only incovenient (for me, we book separate dorm ) is the noise outside my dorm.It comes from the next door.

The next day,we started visiting the amazing amsterdam.It's walkable city (well for us).We bought the ticket just to go to the mosque.Places that we visited were ;

Oude kerk
Koninklijk Paleis
Amstrdm Historich M.
Golden Bend
Cat Museum
Van Gogh Museum
Red Light District

Amsterdam is surrounded by canals.It was soo romantic lunch by the canal,kan Fan? especially the last day,when the birds and the swans tried to steal our foods hahaha We visited both mosque,Fatih mosque and El Tawheed Mosque (famous bcos of the tragedy of theo van gogh).Fatih mosque is sooo amazing.It was a church n it's so calm when u enter in the salle de prier.No wonder we spent 2 +/- hours in the mosque on the last day (it was raining).

In Amsterdam,there r many indonesians,no wonder sometimes ppl confused with us.The funny part is when the "girls" in red light district spoke malay with us hehe.There is an indonesian stall ( mcm take away wok ),melepas gak kerinduan untuk makan petai akhirnya =).Jgn memain,kedai ni jual babi masak kicap hahaha

We jalan² around amsterdam malam² and lepak² on the main street sambil makan holland fries.Duduk depan restoran yg ntah pape sambil tgk perangai org dan mengambil iktibar atas ape yg berlaku =p

The next day,we went to Haarlem.It's a beautiful city indeed. I like it =)

And the last day,we just walked around amsterdam,visited anna frank house + slept at the mosque hehe before fly to copenhagen


beg 5kg dan beg 8kg part 2

Thursday, August 28, 2008 Edit This 1 Comment »


3/08 till 6/08

We arrived at Copenhagen a lil bit late,the flight was delayed AGAIN! My first impression when i was there is "inike copenhagen,KL lagi best" hahhaha the road was so silence.luckily the hostel is not too far.We saw KEBABISH along the way,but it was a lil bit expensive,110 kroner etc .(jakun tgk kedai halal hahha ).Then we arrived at CITY PUBLIC HOSTEL yeay! i was like "ini cam skolah asrama hari weekend je". The hostels was not for old people really,u hav to rent everything! from pillow to blanket.The dorm,the beds r like from world war 2,it made so much noise! no windows,so hot eventhough outside was like in winter.First night was hell,i was mistakenly went to men bathroom hahah nasib baik tak masuk.The worst part is the bathroom,we really dont know how to shower! we have to wait,bile tak de org baru mandi,malu! hahhaha but 3 days there,i managed to shower without have to do like every1 else,it's a good hostel though,to meet people,nice cuisine n nice park.Thanks to the pakcik for changing me to the same room with fan =)

We walked around Copenhagen on 4/08,followed the map like a real tourist hahaha the weather was bad,grey cloud from morning to forever! It was damn cold! well we visited ;

Tivoli Garden
Christian Borg Palace
Rosenborg Slot
Statens Museum
Kastellet & Frihed
Little Mermaid

and many more on the map

one thing bout copenhagen is,it's soooo expensive,it's difficult to find a cheap place to eat.We save the money so that we can eat briyani at KEBABISH hahah and we ate it the last day at last! before we went to little mermaid,we met a group of indonesians working in a ship (Fan was really happy hahaha) At night,we looked for the mosque,but we didnt found it,it was raining heavily,dugaan Allah =) but we went to mosque the next day,now we can see org perempuan bertudung easily =)

The next day,we went to Helsingor,it was still raining.The hamlet's castle is really nice,but the rest of the city is not interesting at all heheh but we can get a kebab at 2.60 euros only! hahaha

The last day,we walked along the longest shopping road in copenhagen.Funny when yasmin said they didnt find the souvenir shop when there r lot of them

voila our travel to denmark

beg 5kg dan beg 8kg part 3

Thursday, August 28, 2008 Edit This 0 Comments »


6/08 till 8/08

At Berlin,we did a crazy thing,we chose to stay at different hostel ( I chose =p ) . I was bit scared to do this,but every time i said it to Fan,she will try to convince me not to worry ( soo sweet wakaka) . Well,I stayed at hostel die etage,it was a very clean,superb hostel! the staffs were very helpful,they showed me everything i needed,just like in tourism office,not like the other hostels we stayed,Lucy ( the staff) was so friendly,( even cleaned my spoon =p).untuk pertama kali,i talked with other people in the hostel, i met 2 danish,an american and a guy from Chile who just quit his job to travel around the world ( he's going to Malaysia!).I gave 4 and half stars to this hostel n highly recommended!

We start our "tourist² stuff" on 7th August,the places that we visited were ;
Zoo Garten
Bradenburg Gate
Unter Den Linden
Altes Museum
Berliner Dom
Berlin Wall

I love berlin more than copenhagen honestly,but this was the place where i lost my handphone! but Allah menguji aku,dan aku terima ini sebagai ujian =) ,the funny part ( for me) was when Fan was worried more than i was hehehe . After awhile,she got a call,it was not a call that can bring smiles to us back.To cheer us back, we ate our lunch at Nordsee, tak fikir nak simpan duit masa tu hehe (takde la mahal pon),plus it was damn hot!
Berlin wall is nice,we walked 2km to watch all the graffiti and u wont feel tired walking,believe me!

The next day,we just walked around kurfurstendamm,watched buskers,bought a bag! opps 2 bags for Fan,then we went to the airport,but again our flight is delayed

Nevertheless,we met a very nice girl in the flight.She helped us soo much =)