Selfish people

Wednesday, May 18, 2011 Edit This 0 Comments »
Tell me how can I work with selfish people like the Mr xxxxxxxxxx
feel like to smash his face
no wonder everyone doesn't like him

who's responsibility?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 Edit This 0 Comments »
I read this status on Facebook, he's working with an oil and gas company, his status made me laughing, how dare he said he's not contributing in destroying environment.

"bekerja dengan syarikat minyak ni tidaklah semudah yang disangka. meskipun kami gembira dengan penemuan-penemuan minyak & gas hasil kajian terperinci, tetapi kami tidak terlepas dari sindiran seperti 'perosak muka bumi', 'tidak mesra alam' dan seumpamanya. mereka yang menyindir tidaklah salah sepenuhnya, kerana bukti terpampang didepan mata."

Today's NEWS
OIL LEAK FROM REFINERY IN PORT DICKSON, I wonder who will come up and take the responsibility for this big problem.
or Malaysialistic will let it go because it will not bring more money to Malaysia gov



Thursday, April 14, 2011 Edit This 0 Comments »
My blog was a sinking ship. It was on hiatus for a very long time, since few months before I came back from France. To be honest this is due to my lack of interest to write again. But today my colleague asked me whether I have a blog, well I did have one I said, but then when i think again, I DO actually have a blog. My blog was just in sinking mode. hehe I guess it is time to continue my blog?

When u fall down til le noyau, the only way to go is up, le stratosphere or whatever hehe