
Friday, March 20, 2009 Edit This 2 Comments »
do u know a place where the university's fee is slightly lower than other countries,and half of your semester,u only have to attend the assembly,n "be so democratic and vote" ,plus NO CLASSES ?
now i know why they said,when u pay nothing,u get nothing! *sigh* (lawak dalaman )

30 days since my brain lost its reflect to wake up at 8 am hahahah

go with the old flow

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
All of you must well concerned that i'm a geology student which makes 40% of my conversation at university "canteen" is mainly about nature,enviroment,energy, blablablabla

I remember once we talked about this :

X : What do u guys think that control our universe?

Y : Well,I do believe in men power.

Z : What do u mean?

Y: Well we control ourselves,we make things evolve ...... ( she just starts her philosophy class )

A : But i do believe everything we do is connected to science,for instance,the meteoroid might be the cause of first microbe landed on earth.

Z : Then how come the meteoroid exists in our solar system?

A : I dont know but i know science can explain it,it just happens,but i firmly dont believe in God

Z : U mean there is no superlative power that create something?

Y & A : Might be

Z : When u said so,it means like France is xtually doesn't need boulangerie ( pronounce as bu lon jee ri ) bcause,you can get the baguette (ba get) from sky,no one bake it,no one sell it,it just "booum" in front of your house.What make cristallization so beautiful,do u think just by accident it formed a perfect geometry? I strongly dont believe these things...mmm

X : ok,enough of philosophy,let's go drink café

normally,our conversation at canteen does not has a full stop.We are debating doesnt mean we are fighting,we just enchance our knowledge.Yet,we are still good friends =) It's important to get to know what people out there are acctually thinking rather than stay in your box n think it's the safetest place on earth,while there lot of people is xtually getting off from the right track n need us to ....... sambung sendiri

"Kalau kita tak makan garam,masakan kita tahu ianya masin" citation par yana hahaha

And if thou wert to ask them: Who created the heavens and the earth, and constrained the sun and the moon (to their appointed work)? they would say: Allah. How then are they turned away? 29:61

my wonderful classmate,canteenmate,AGmate,strikemate....
Thanks for the splendid moments =)

aku kepingin

Friday, March 13, 2009 Edit This 5 Comments »
one thousand kilometers away from north pole
no trees,only bushes
the most dangerous threat is polar bear
less cars,more bikes
6 months of sleeping beauty
the most romantic thing to do is watching aurora borealis (i like hahhaha )
top class internet connection,courtesy to nasa
2700 habitants only!

etc etc etc

i really want to go here...
Photographs courtesy of Tommy Simonsen, S******* Wilderness Centre.

aku nak baca ape ni?

Wednesday, March 04, 2009 Edit This 4 Comments »
Hari ni,aku mengigihkan diri untuk bangun dari katil bagi membenarkan jasad ku menghadari General assembly ( AG )A.K.A perhimpunan rasmi pelajar² university of Pau. 5 panggilan rindu aku terima sejak pukul 9 pagi,semangat sungguh rakan² ku mengajak ku untuk berjuang.Mereka melakukan panggilan itu bukan kerana rindu malah jauh skali dari kerana mengambil berat tentang aku tapi hanya lah kerana aku meng "translate" missed call a.k.a appel manqué itu kepada bahasa melayu (time cuti tak ingin pulak nak call aku,time takde org nak join greve baru lah terhegeh² )

AG sepatutnya bermula pukul 13h,tetapi telah menjadi adat,ianya hanya akan bermula paling awal pon setengah jam lepas tuh,jadi aku mendecidekan diri utk hnye pergi pukul 14 heheh sesungguhnya benar,aku hanya datang untuk vote.

Di sana aku bertemu rakan² kelas ku yang lain.ceh,berdebah!mereka tidak sampai pon setengah dari kelasku,(ya,kelas ku ade 15 org shj).Masalah tak de kena mengena dengan aku pon,aku sanggup bangun dari tidur dan pergi ke faculty.

mereka yg tak puas hati ngan sarkozy,bukan saya!(gambar last year)

Dan cik joyah berkata,"eh yana,aku terpilih untuk wakil fac pergi toulouse,utk berbincang hal strike",aku berfikir 2 saat,(ape aku nak ckp ni,euuh tahniah? ok,bye? ade tiket free?aku nak pegi gak camtu,boley lawat kak dayah ) tetiba keluar dari mulut aku "cool!!" (aku mmg tak die idea) .
Die berkate lagi "Yana,esok ko pergi eleclerc,kena baca buku". Aku terpinga-pinga,gile ke ape suro aku bace buku kat eleclerc. "dan ko kena baca dalam bahasa melayu". Bertambah bingung aku,dlm bhse melayu? sape plak nak dgr aku baca dalam bahasa ayahanda tersayang aku ni.

supermarket kesayangan pelajar univ pau (sekadar gambar hiasan,ini bukan di Pau )

Jadi,sampai kat rumah anwar tadi aku pk,nak bace ape ni,aku tnye raffiq,sofwan kalo diorg ade bku bahasa melayu yang menarik,kisah sang kancil dan kura² ke,kisah 3 orang pengakap ke, tahun pertama di asrama melati ke,kisah perjalan abu ke kedai pak salim ke (wujud ke? ).tapi jawapan mereka negative.

Sampai d rumah,aku terpikir,apelah aku ni,benda depan mata je,itu pon tak nampak ke? aku telah nekad,esok aku akan baca buku ni depan semua org penganchis! buku ape? teka la.cepat la teka! tak taw?

aku nak bace buku raheeq maktum! buku apa? nak tahu? google la,ape lagi!
aku nak bagitahu satu leclerc Pau,buku yg aku nak baca ni! hahhaha (bunyi megah)

p/s : baca buku di eleclerc is part of their way to express their tidak puas hati towards's class hors le mur(outside the wall ),which mean,after pelaksanaan undang² itu nanti,small univ like us will gulung tikar,n wont hv room n'more to do the class

aku pergi sekolah tak payah gosok tudung

Tuesday, March 03, 2009 Edit This 4 Comments »
Satu benda yg aku suka bila duk kat France ni ialah bila tak de org nak tegur pon kalo aku pegi kelas tak gosok tudung,tudung aku terbalik mahupun bila baju aku hijau, tudung aku warna pink.

Aku teringat time kat asrama dulu²,disebabkan nak gosok tudung,sampai kena reserved iron 2 hours before,kalo la mak mee ( kerani asrama ku huhu) sediakan list untuk sape nak guna iron,tentu mereka dah reserve nak guna iron untuk bulan depan.

Aku pon tak paham setengah org,kalo iron tudung tu,mesti nak licin sesangat,kalo ade kemek kemut (aku tak tahu nak guna adjectif ape hahah) ,sanggup p balik asrama balik,semata² nak gosok bahagian yang kemek itu walaupun ia hanya lah 1 cm²,pastu mesti nak tajam-tajam,boleyh potong bawang tau! ha! pastu kan siap letak lilin, secara tiba² peningkatan jualan di seluruh kedai² runcit di Malaysia hahah dan ye,aku taw,mase aku skola,aku mmg selekeh (sampai sekarang aku rase haha) dan aku peduli ape!
aku tidak selekeh

and yg paling ta leyh blah, pakai tudung kena ikut fesyen! tudung halimah,tudung datuk K,tudung mawi,,,pelik²

Dan sebenarnya,korang tahu ke ape objectif sebenar pakai tudung? sila la jawab !

sekadar gambar hiasan (ade muka macam aku tak minah ni? )

p/s: aku berterima kasih kepada yasmin yg mengvariasikan tudung aku